Paris - Sonic Jihad

David Bazan - Fewer Moving Parts

Todd Steed and the Suns of Phere - Heartbreak and Duct Tape

Starflyer 59 - Leave Here a Stranger

Mustard - Eureka Grande
About Me
- Name: Wasp Jerky
- Location: Illinois, United States
The peaches, apples, plums and pears are guarded by ferocious bears.
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Resumes |

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J.K. Rowling

My Secret - Frank Warren

Comments on "Mix CD #3"
1) thanks for adding me to the list.
2) monkey grinder. probably not the catchiest of the massive chagall guevera catalog, but certainly the most disturbing.
1) You're welcome. Ditto.
2) Agreed. I was surprised to find the entire album and the three harder to find tracks posted at that site. I already had the album and the bonus material, but it's good to see it floating around online with Steve's blessing.
thanks for adding my buddies! have you heard the whole CD yet?
Bound Stems!
Nope, I sure haven't. I've only listened to the songs on their web site.