Paris - Sonic Jihad

David Bazan - Fewer Moving Parts

Todd Steed and the Suns of Phere - Heartbreak and Duct Tape

Starflyer 59 - Leave Here a Stranger

Mustard - Eureka Grande
About Me
- Name: Wasp Jerky
- Location: Illinois, United States
The peaches, apples, plums and pears are guarded by ferocious bears.
Previous Posts
- Can Somebody Anybody Tell Me...
- The Anniversary Party
- Magically Delicious
- Monday Lyrics Blogging
- Sound Bites
- Stocking Stuffers
- Friday Comics Blogging
- Bad Ways To Start The Week #291
- Monday Lyrics Blogging
- Friday Comics Blogging
- Amore y Pace
- Analog Rhombus
- Bad Christian
- Baghdad Burning
- Black Sheep Christian
- Bradley's Almanac
- Bridget Jones Goes to Seminary
- Churchgal
- Crooks and Liars
- Daily Kos
- Dufflehead
- Feminism Loves You
- Film Chat
- From the Salmon
- God Is Not a Hamburger
- Hipchick Mama Goes to Seminary
- I Am Fuel, You Are Friends
- Jesus Politics
- Journeys in Insanity
- Left Cheek
- Looking Closer
- McCarty Musings
- Natalie's Narrative
- Ninjanun
- November6th
- On The Homefront
- Paradigms Lost
- The Parish
- A Payne Hollow Visit
- Post Secret
- Pfangirl Through the Looking Glass
- Ramblin' Educat
- Rigorous Intuition
- Serotoninrain
- Slacktivist
- Songs:Illinois
- The Speckled Mind
- Steeples and People
- Strange Culture
- Streak's Blog
- The Torture Garden
- Bread for the World
- Call to Renewal
- Church Folks for a Better America
- Community Christian Church
- Compassion International
- DuPage Against War Now
- Habitat for Humanity
- Jesus Radicals
- Know More
- Lasater Grasslands Beef
- No Sweat Apparel
- Protestants for the Common Good
- Ship of Fools
- The Simple Way
- Sojourners
- Tony Campolo
- Wal-Mart Fact Check
- YouTube
Resumes |

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J.K. Rowling

My Secret - Frank Warren

Comments on "Friday Comics Blogging"
Very funny!