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10 August 2005

Image Is Everything

Something that I occasionally heard during the 2004 election season was that George W. Bush is a regular guy. Unlike John Kerry, that smug liberal Yankee, Bush is a good ol’ boy from Texas. He’s the sort of fellow you could go have a beer with after work. Or that you’d invite over for a cookout on Saturday afternoon. He’s the sort of fellow who goes hunting and watches football. You know, an all-American who’s in touch with real working people in this country. He doesn’t pretend to be smart. He’s an honest man who calls ‘em like he sees ‘em.

The problem with Bush’s regular guy image is just that. It’s an image. And nothing more. You cannot have grown up in a house with a father who was a congressman, ambassador to the United Nations, Republican National Committee Chairman, CIA director and Vice President, and still be a regular guy. You cannot avoid service in Vietnam because your father pulls a few strings for you and still be a regular guy. You cannot own 12% of a professional baseball team and still be a regular guy. You cannot have millions of dollars in your bank account and still be a regular guy. You cannot spend nearly 20% of your presidency on vacation and still be a regular guy. Sorry. It just doesn’t work that way.

Comments on "Image Is Everything"


Blogger MEP said ... (8/10/2005 03:19:00 PM) : 

I'm so irritated that he is on vacation while we are still in such a mess in Iraq.


Blogger Black Sheep said ... (8/10/2005 06:57:00 PM) : 

But . . . he's got to clear all of the darn brush. You know, roll up the sleeves, put on your cowboy hat and gloves, call the press - just like us "regular folk".


Blogger Chicago Jones said ... (8/10/2005 09:50:00 PM) : 

Please don’t get me wrong here, I am not a Bush fan nor a Republican but I think Bush can be a regular guy. Why can’t he? I don’t think the wealthy should receive special treatment or special tax breaks but they also shouldn’t be crapped on for being successful. Lets also consider the facts, we may never have a president that is a “regular guy”…or gal. The best we can hope for is that there aren’t an asshole


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8/10/2005 10:11:00 PM) : 

the wealthy are inherently evil for being wealthy and not sharing with the poor he cant be normal because normal is poor and he is not poor, normal is having divorced parents that beat each other, 5 siblings by 7 different parents, supporting the troops but not war, voting to fund a war and then voting against it, that is normal


Blogger Wasp Jerky said ... (8/11/2005 11:35:00 AM) : 

the wealthy are inherently evil for being wealthy and not sharing with the poor

I don't know if you're coming from a Judeo-Christian perspective, since you didn't have the guts to leave a link to your own blog, but chose instead to post anonymously. Nonetheless, George Bush says that he is a Christian, so it's only fair to judge him by those standards. According to Jesus, if you don't feed the poor, you are going to hell. It's really that simple. By those standards, by not sharing his wealth George Bush fits the definition of evil quite well. And according to that same worldview, we're all inherently evil.

he cant be normal because normal is poor and he is not poor

Well, there's really no such thing as normal. But given that most of the world's population lives on something like $3 a day, being poor is certainly the norm, not being rich.

normal is having divorced parents that beat each other, 5 siblings by 7 different parents

I'm not sure I follow your logic here. Are you suggesting that Bush didn't come from a dysfunctional family? Or that I think it's better to come from one?

supporting the troops but not war, voting to fund a war and then voting against it, that is normal

Given that most people on the planet were against the war in Iraq, again, that would indeed be the norm. And can we cut with the John Kerry changes his mind bullshit? If you really want to get into a pissing match over politicians changing their positions on the issues, George Bush is NOT the man you want to use as an example of consistency.


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