Paris - Sonic Jihad

David Bazan - Fewer Moving Parts

Todd Steed and the Suns of Phere - Heartbreak and Duct Tape

Starflyer 59 - Leave Here a Stranger

Mustard - Eureka Grande
About Me
- Name: Wasp Jerky
- Location: Illinois, United States
The peaches, apples, plums and pears are guarded by ferocious bears.
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Resumes |

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - J.K. Rowling

My Secret - Frank Warren

Comments on "Christmas Mix"
i'm at a coffee shop right now and forgot to bring my headphones, so i can't listen to any of these samples now... (maybe for new years)
but, was anybody else furious that the makers of that abysmal live action The Grinch oversaw 6pence's sublime version?
Haven't seen the film, but I'd have to say yes to that one. Given, the Sixpence song appeared on a rather obscure Christmas album. But Sixpence also had a few huge singles back in the day.
Did you get permission from those artists to post those songs online?
Thanks. :) Fair enough. Sorry for not asking first. I've added a note telling that your site hosts some of those songs. I can also take them down if you'd like.
I liked Caedmon's Call back when Derek was in the band, but mostly for the songs that were Derek's. I haven't liked CC since. But I've been digging most of his solo stuff, although I tend to like it best when it's just him on acoustic guitar.